

Anju "Medusa" Fujioka

Bob "The Undertaker" Geilen

Brandon “il Bandito” Vecchiola.

Carolynn "Lady Justice" Conron

Catherine “The Number Cruncher” Smeltzer

Cathy "Cathtastrophy" Dudzic

Chad “The Cookie Monster” King

Drew “The Executioner” Walker

Edwin "Million Dollar Papi" Barahona

Eric "The Viking" Ballem

Jamie “the house of” Payne

Jeremy "The Nightmare" Wissink

Jessica "Roll with the Punches" Witka

Jim "The Irish Goodbye" Kelly

John "The Brazen Boomer" Fyfe-Millar

Jordan “Jab Master” Millward
Kalene “Venomous” Van Boven

Leonard "Iron Datu" Ancheta

Malcolm “The Milkman” Noel

Matt "The Revenant" Rice

McKinnley "Million Dollar" Brady

Meg "Machine Gun" Morris

Mike "The Architect of Destruction" Fishback

Nathan “GoodNate” Smith

Rachael "Hammer Time" Storey

Rory "Laser Focused" Mitchell

Ryan “UR My Boy Blue” Solarewicz

Salem “Hands Up” Harakeh

Sarah "The Professor" McLean

Sergio "Dr. Devil" Weinberger

"Sugar" Shane Sauve

Wayne “The Punk” Bailey


A.J. "The Vanilla Gorilla" O'Connor

Akshat "Ak" Raj

Aness “The BeastSymons

Brad “The Notorious "G.I.B.” Gibb

Brandi “Barracuda” McIlvenny

Brandon “The Bull” Bernatowycz

Brian "Hold my Beer" Blatnicki

"Scary" Carrie O'Brien

Jaafer "J5" Haidar

Jenn “The Electrocutioner” Devlin

Jodi "The Face Changer" Kailis

Jordan "The Barbarian" Brick

J "S.K.O" Stevens

Kevin "K-Money" Moore

Kim "The Full Buffet" Sutherland

Kristen “the Cobra” Duever
Lucas “Lullaby” Paulger

Matty "The Baddy" Jeffs

Matt "Beef Supreme" Reid

Meda "Soul Stealer" Riley

Melissa "Light it Up" Adams

Mitch “DYNAMITE” Dawson

Morgan “The Machine” Taylor

Raffy “the Godfather” Sinan

Rodney “Roddog” Hagle

“Ravishing” Ron Young

Sabina "The Raven" Dawson

Scott "The Beast from the East" Gillis

Shawn “maddog” Froggett

Steve "The Hit Man" Helps

Tiffany "Widowmaker" Wolter

Trenton "High Tower" Burke


Aaron "A-A-RON" Atkinson

Abbie "Ludacris" Lumani

Adam "Mal-Intent" Malamis

Brett "Boom Boom" Lucier

Brian "The Educator" Nelles

Candace "The Murdering Mermaid" Keeling

Christine "Heels Off" Quinlan

Eric Weniger

Husni "The Terra" El-Farra

Ian "TNT" Tremblay

Jeff "Thunder Thor" Christofferson

Jeff "Lights Out" White

Jocelyn "JB Rock" Brock

Joel "Junction Beatdown" Jacobs

Jonathan Macgregor

Julia "The Punisher" Piccoli

Kaitlyn "Hurricane" Harvey

Kristin "The Atomic Blonde" Nielsen

"The Mountain Man" Kyle Kerr

Laura "Lights Out" Hogarth

Lincoln "Canuckle-head" McCardle

Mary "Powderpunch" McGuinness

Michael "Batman" Balaban

Myles "The Assassin" Allen

Nicole "Speedy" Gonzales

Samantha "Phoenix" Humphrey

Stephanie "Big Willy Style" Williams

Stewart "Ace" Lebert

Tam "Blonde Phoenix" Williams

Tasha "Knocked Up" Hughes

Titus "Fergie" Ferguson

Tomasz "The Train" Kisiel